Analisis Perilaku Petugas Dalam Penemuan Penderita TBC di Puskesmas

>> Saturday, August 7, 2010

Student Thesis, August 2009

Abi Thalib

The Behavior Analysis of Health Employees in Finding of TBC Sufferer in Puskesmas Senabing, District of Lahat, Lahat Regency 2009
(xxii + 104 pages, 7 tables, 3 pictures, 9 attachments)

Tuberculosis is the directly infectious disease that caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indonesia place third highest level after India and China of TBC sufferer.
The research aimed to get the indepth interview about the behavior of health employees in finding of TBC sufferer in Puskesmas Senabing, District of Lahat, Lahat Regency 2009. Its want to know about the knowledge, attitude, the ability of facilities and infrastructure of Laboratory and the role of helath employee and the society in finding of TBC sufferer.
Its used qualitative designed with the informants: the socistys, cadre of posyandu, Puskesmas management, Polycklinic staff,…………staff, who are working in the Puskesmas Senabing working area district of Lahat. The result of the research are :
The result :
Generally, the society and the cadre of Posyandu still less and its impacting to their role in the effort of TBC sufferer finding,.The lack of safety of laboratory employees that have risk to the infected them, The society’s role still lack in done the health promotion, its impacting to the low of finding of TBC sufferer
Suggestion :
1. to the Puskesmas management to make re-activated plan about the continuously of health promotion, to give the knowledge and the motivation to the society to participate in the sufferer TBC finding effort.
2. to the Puskesmas management to do the guidance about the knowledge and motivation for the cadre of posyandu to more active in the finding TBC sufferer effort with the health promotion inn every activity at posyandu.
3. to laboratory employees to plan the procurement of the safety equipment to minimized the infectious risk to them
4. to the Head of Puskesmas to raised the spirit of health employees in the helath promotion effort by the socialized and training.

Bibliography : 29 (1995-2007)
READ MORE - Analisis Perilaku Petugas Dalam Penemuan Penderita TBC di Puskesmas


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