Diet Penyakit Maag

>> Friday, August 20, 2010

kita sering mendengar penyakit maag, salah satu penyakit yang menyerang saluran pencernaan. Maag apabila tidak ditangani dengan benar akan berdampak seerius. Salah satu upaya mengendalikan penyakit ini adalah dengan melakukan Diet Penyakit Maag.

Maag dan penyebabnya
Dalam istilah kedokteran, penyakit maag disebut gastritis atau peradangan lambung. Untuk gejala yang lebih ringan sering disebut dengan dyspepsia. Gejala dari penyakit ini adalah adanya keluhan rasa mual di ulu hati, kembung, dan rasa lain yang disebabkan oleh kelainan saluran pencernaan. Pemicu dari gejala tersebut karena adanya jumlah asam lambung yang berlebihan.

Asam lambung diproduksi oleh lambung untuk membantu pencernaan makanan. Tapi jika berlebihan akan menimbulkan masalah. Produksi asam lambung biasanya meningkat pada saat tubuh memerlukannya, yaitu ketika makan. Sebaliknya, pada saat tubuh tidak memerlukan, produksi asam lambung akan menurun kembali. Faktor yang memicu produksi asam lambung berlebihan, diantaranya beberapa zat kimia, seperti alkohol, umumnya obat penahan nyeri, asam cuka, juga beberapa makanan dan minuman yang bersifat asam,, makanan dengan bumbu yang bersifat asam dan sebagainya. Makanan yang pedas serta bumbu yang merangsang, semisal merica, juga akan memicu produksi asam lambung.

Pola makan yang tidak teratur dapat menimbulkan gejala sakit maag. Hal itu terjadi karena lambung memproduksi asam lambung untuk mencerna makanan dalam jadwal yang teratur. Bahkan, saat tidur pun lambung tetap saja memproduksi asam walaupun tak ada makanan yang harus dihancurkan. Karena itu, jadwal makan yang tidak teratur kerap membuat lambung sulit beradaptasi. Bila hal ini berlangsung terus-menerus, akan terjadi kelebihan asam dan akan mengiritasi dinding mukosa lambung. Rasa perih dan mual pun muncul.

Selain pola makan tak teratur, penyakit maag juga bisa disebabkan oleh stres. Hal ini dimungkinkan karena sistem persyarafan di otak berhubungan dengan lambung, sehingga bila seseorang mengalami stres maka bisa muncul kelainan pada lambung, karena terjadi ketidakseimbangan. Perlu Anda tahu, stres bisa menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan hormonal di dalam tubuh. Selanjutnya perubahan itu akan merangsang sel-sel di dalam lambung yang kemudian memproduksi asam secara berlebihan. Asam yang berlebihan ini membuat lambung terasa nyeri, perih, dan kembung. Dalam jangka panjang hal ini dapat menimbulkan luka pada dinding lambung.

Jenis Maag
Ada dua jenis maag, yaitu organik dan fungsional.
Ciri dalam maag organik adalah terdapat peradangan di sekitar lambung atau lecet-lecet yang disebabkan karena tumor atau penyakit-penyakit lain yang menyebabkan luka. Luka-luka inilah yang harus diprioritaskan untuk disembuhkan. Dokter yang mendiagnosis penderita maag, biasanya akan memeriksa tingkat keseriusan peradangan lambung dan usus pasien.
Sedangkan pada penderita maag fungsional tidak ditemukan adanya perdangan atau luka, tetapi penderita merasakan perutnya kembung, tanpa ada penyebab yang pasti. Biasanya, penderita seperti itu lebih karena disebabkan faktor stress, yang seolah-olah perutnya mengalami keluhan tertentu.

Prinsip penanganannya adalah diet atau pengaturan makan. Jangan biarkan perut lama dalam keadaan kosong. Keadaan kosong ini dapat mengakibatkan asam lambung yang sudah diproduksi tidak mempunyai bahan untuk dicerna, dan pada akhirnya dinding lambung sendiri yang menjadi sasarannya.

Jangan terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi makanan atau minuman pedas dan asam. Hindari makanan berlemak, karena lemak sulit dicerna oleh lambung. Selain itu, tekstur makanan sebaiknya lembut (lunak).

Sering-seringlah minum air putih, karena bisa mengurangi sifat asam dari makanan atau minuman tersebut. Kurangi mengkonsumsi minuman kopi atau soft drink. Porsi makanan sebaiknya tidak terlalu banyak, tetapi dengan frekuensi sering. Diet makanan yang berserat tinggi akan sangat membantu menetralkan lemak dan asam, serta mempercepat penyembuhan luka. Sumber makanan beserat tinggi terutama adalah sayur dan buah
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seluk beluk penyakit sifilis si raja singa

Sifilis atau Raja Singa adalah penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh Treponema pallidum. Penyakit menular seksual adalah penyakit yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. Penyakit ini sangat kronik, bersifat sistemik dan menyerang hampir semua alat tubuh.

cara penularan penyakit sifilis : Cara penularan yang paling umum adalah hubungan seks vaginal, anal atau oral. Namun, penyakit ini juga dapat ditularkan melalui hubungan non-seksual jika ulkus atau lapisan mukosa yang disebabkan oleh sifilis kontak dengan lapisan kulit yang tidak utuh dengan orang yang tidak terinfeksi.
pencegahan penyakit sifilis: Tidak melakukan hubungan seks secara vaginal, anal dan oral dengan orang yang terinfeksi adalah satu-satunya cara pencegahan yang 100% efektif mencegah penularan sifilis melalui hubungan seksual. Kondom dapat mengurangi tetapi tidak menghilangkan risiko tertular penyakit ini melalui hubungan seks. Masih ada kemungkinan tertular sifilis walaupun memakai kondom yaitu melalui luka yang ada di daerah kelamin. Usaha untuk mencegah kontak non-seksual dengan luka, ruam atau lapisan bermukosa karena adanya sifilis juga perlu dilakukan.

Selain cara pencegahan sifilis, dapat pula dengan pengobatan yaitu:
Penyakit ini dapat diobati dengan penisilin; namun, kerusakan pada organ tubuh yang telah terjadi tidak dapat diperbaiki.

Konsekuensi yang Mungkin Terjadi pada Orang yang Terinfeksi: Jika tidak diobati, sifilis dapat menyebabkan kerusakan serius pada hati, otak, mata, sistem saraf, tulang dan sendi dan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Seorang yang sedang menderita sifilis aktif risikonya untuk terinfeksi HIV jika terpapar virus tersebut akan meningkat karena luka (chancres) merupakan pintu masuk bagi virus HIV.

Konsekuensi yang Mungkin Terjadi pada Janin dan Bayi: Jika tidak diobati, seorang ibu hamil yang terinfeksi sifilis akan menularkan penyakit tersebut pada janin yang dikandungnya. Janin meninggal di dalam dan meninggal pada periode neonatus terjadi pada sekitar 25% dari kasus-kasus ini. 40-70% melahirkan bayi dengan sifilis aktif. Jika tidak terdeteksi, kerusakan dapat terjadi pada jantung, otak dan mata bayi.

untuk etiologi, patofisiologi, klasifikasi, gejala klinis dan penatalaksanaan penyakit sifilis dapat dilihat disini.
READ MORE - seluk beluk penyakit sifilis si raja singa


Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Trimester I tentang Emesis Gravidarum di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas

>> Sunday, August 8, 2010

SUBDISTRICT OF ............... OF REGENCY .......

Emesis gravidarum is nausea and vomitus that happened for pregnance in the first three months (0-12 weeks) which happened everytime and to be continou up in 14-16 weeks, after it less and disappear. The total number of emesis gravidarum in 60-80 % primigravida and 40-60 % multigravida. This condition does not influence embrio as long as before pregnance the mother is in good condition, health and has nutrition enough. But if it strongly and to be continou can make result less nutrition, disturb and dangerous for mother and embrio` s nutrition. The aim research is to know about description the knowledge of pregnant mother in the first three months about emesis gravidarum in .........’s community health center.
The reseach’design which used in research is descriptive survey. Population in this survey is pregnant mother in the first three months in .........’s community health center of subdistrict ............... of regency ....... that consist of three villages. They are Sumberejo, Nambaan, and Toyoresmi. In this survey uses total sampling, totally sample about 20 responden. By using a measure which used is a closed questioner. After collecting the date next make tabulation and date analyse.
From this survey can get the result for 15 responden (75 %) is good knowledge, 3 responden (15 %) is enough, and 2 responden (10 %) is less. So needed more information about health education to pregnant mother from health servant comprehensive in every Ante Natal Care visiting.
Key words : Emesis Gravidarum, pregnant mother in the first three months, knowledge

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Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Siswa SMAN tentang Pendidikan Seks (Sex Education)



A. Latar Belakang
Dewasa ini kehidupan seks bebas telah merebak ke kalangan kehidupan remaja dan anak sehingga pendidikan seks atau pendidikan mengenai kesehatan reproduksi yang lebih trendnya sex education sudah seharusnya diberikan kepada anak-anak yang sudah beranjak dewasa atau remaja baik malalui pendidikan formal maupun informal. Ini penting untuk mencegah biasnya pendidikan seks maupun pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi di kalangan remaja (Syarif, 2008: 39).
Berdasarkan kesepakatan International di Kairo 1994 (The Cairo Consensus) tentang kesehatan reproduksi yang berhasil ditandatangani oleh 184 negara termasuk Indonesia, diputuskan tentang perlunya pendidikan seks bagi para remaja. Dalam salah satu butir konsensus tersebut ditekankan tentang upaya untuk mengusahakan dan merumuskan perawatan kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi serta menyediakan informasi yang komprehensif termasuk bagi para remaja (Syarif, 2008: 39)
Sementara meninjau berbagai fenomena yang terjadi di Indonesia, agaknya masih timbul pro kontra di masyarakat, lantaran adanya anggapan bahwa membicarakan seks adalah hal yang tabu dan pendidikan seks akan mendorong remaja untuk berhubungan seks. Sebagian besar masih berpandangan stereotype dengan pendidikan seks seolah sebagai suatu hal yang vulgar (Syarif, 2008: 39).
Menurut Sofyan, selaku senior Koordinator Central Mitra Remaja (CMR) yang merupakan salah satu unit kegiatan dari Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) menyebutkan, selama ini jika kita berbicara mengenai seks, maka yang terbersit dalam benak sebahagian orang adalah hubungan seks. Padahal, seks itu artinya jenis kelamin yang membedakan antara cowok dan cewek atau laki-laki dan perempuan secara biologis (Syarif, 2008: 40)

Dari data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI 1997) menyebutkan, dari 1563 perempuan usia subur, terdapat 5 0,9% melakukan aborsi secara sengaja pada usia 15-19 tahun, sekitar 11,9% melakukan secara tradisional ataupun medis. Cara tradisional yang digunakan untuk aborsi adalah meminum jamu atau ramuan tradisional, jumlah pelakunya sekitar 27,5%. Sementara itu dari penuturan yang disampaikan oleh Mestika (1996) yang merangkum dari hasil penelitian para pengamat masalah sosial remaja dibeberapa kota besar antara lain: Sarwono (1970) meneliti 117 remaja di Jakarta dan menemukan bahwa 4,1% pernah melakukan hubungan seks. Beberapa tahun kemudian, Eko (1983) meneliti 461 remaja dan dari penelitian ini diperoleh data bahwa 8,2% diantaranya pernah melakukan hubungan seks dan 10% diantaranya menganggap bahwa hubungan seks pranikah adalah wajar. Di Semarang, Satoto (1992) mengadakan penelitian terhadap 1086 responden pelajar SMP-SMU dan menemukan data bahwa 4,1% remaja putra dan 5,1% remaja putri pernah melakukan hubungan seks. Pada tahun yang sama Tjitara mensurvei 200 remaja yang hamil tanpa dikehendaki. Survei yang dilakukan Tjitara juga memaparkan bahwa mayoritas berpendidikan SMA ke atas, 23% diantaranya berusia 15-20 tahun dan 77% berusia 20-25 tahun (Syarif, 2008: 41)
Dengan begitu banyaknya faktor yang menyebabkan efek pornografi membuat remaja terjerumus ke alam bebas yang tidak bertanggung jawab misalnya, film layar lebar, VCD, DVD, media cetak, sampai assesoris yang mudah didapatkan bahkan tayangan televisipun saat ini mengarah kepada hal yang seperti itu dan juga belum lancarnya komunikasi remaja dengan orang tua yang menyangkut soal seks. Dari data survei yang diambil oleh Synovate Research ke 450 responden dan 4 kota dengan kisaran usia antara 15-24 tahun, mengungkapkan bahwa sekitar 65% informasi tentang seks, mereka dapatkan dari kawan, dan 30% sisanya dari film porno. Ironisnya hanya 5% dari resdponden remaja ini mendapat informasi tentang seks dari orang tuanya ((Syarif, 2008: 41).
Kurangnya pengetahuan seks dan kehidupan remaja serta adanya data dan adanya tanggapan bahwa pendidikan seks adalah tabu membuat para remaja bukan menjadi takut tetapi mereka lebih ingin mencari tahu sendiri melalui informasi-informasi yang mudah mereka dapatkan melalui kaset VCD, film layar lebar, gambar-gambar dan masih banyak lagi. Hal tersebut membuat remaja menjadi penasaran dan terdorong untuk melakukan hubungan seksual di luar nikah tanpa melihat akibat-akibat yang akan ditimbulkan.
Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan Armelia, (2007) mengenai pengetahuan siswa tentang pendidikan seks di SMU Kristen Tentena dari 58 responden
didapatkan siswa yang memiliki pengetahuan baik 51,7% dan yang memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik adalah 48,3%.
SMUN 1 .......... merupakan sekolah yang terluas di daerah .......... serta belum pernah dilakukan penelitian dan belum pernah diadakan penelitian tentang pendidikan seks untuk itu peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian di tempat ini, dan ingin mendapatkan gambaran yang jelas dan akurat mengenai pengetahuan dan sikap remaja tentang pendidikan seks (Sex Education).
Berdasarkan uraian di atas maka peneliti tertarik untuk lebih mengetahui “Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Siswa SMUN 1 .......... Tentang Pendidikan Seks (Sex Education) Tahun 2010”.

B. Rumusan Masalah
Bagaimana tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap siswa SMUN 1 .......... tentang pendidikan seks (Sex Education) Tahun 2010.

C. Tujuan Penelitian
1. Tujuan Umum
Untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan dan sikap siswa SMUN 1 .......... tentang pendidikan seks (Sex Education).
2. Tujuan Khusus
a. Diketahuinya tingkat pengetahuan siswa SMUN 1 .......... tentang pendidikan seks (Sex Education).
b. Diketahuinya sikap siswa SMUN 1 .......... tentang pendidikan seks (Sex Education).

D. Manfaat Penelitian
Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi:
1. Manfaat bagi institusi
Sebagai bahan masukan kepada institusi untuk memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya pendidikan seks di sekolah.
2. Manfaat bagi peneliti berikutnya
Sebagai bahan referensi atau data bagi penelitian selanjutnya.
3. Manfaat bagi penulis
Menambah pengetahuan dan memperluas wawasan keilmuan terhadap pendidikan seks (Sex Education).
E. Ruang Lingkup Penelitian
Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMUN 1 .......... pada bulan Juli 2010.

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Gambaran Sikap Ibu Hamil Trimester III tentang Hubungan Seksual Selama Kehamilan

The Description Of The Pregnant Mother Attitude Threemester III About
The Sex During The Pregnant In BPS Ny. ............ ............. .......
The Years 2008

The sex is not only the conection which involves the sexorgan and the easy stimulable area, but also psicology and emotion. Most of women worry that the sex during pregnant can hurt theirbaby and the orgasm can cause the pregnant death.the pregnant isn’t the reason not to do the sex, because the sex is one of the psicologicalneed.In this case, the pregnantmother also has the important role to keep the harmony of family. On of them is by fullfilling psychologicalneed. So that the scientists want to know the description of the pregnantmother’sattitude in threemester III about the sex during the pregnanttime by taking the value in three aspects. They are kognitif, afectif (feeling) and konatif.
The observation which is used in it is the descriptif eksploratif by using the variable of the boring sample in this observation is that the pregnantmother in trimester III about the sex during the pregnant time, then thisdatd will be analized by using the kualitatif descriptif to be kuantitatif. It is giving scoring to answer by Likert scale.
The observation is done in BPS of Ny. ............ ............. ....... at July 13th-20 th, 2008th by using the angketmeasuretool, the population in this observation in 20 responden. The total of sample in 20 respondens . From the result of gets 11 respondens (55%) who have the description of negativeattitute about the sex during the pregnanttime.and 9 respondents who have the descriptions of positifattitute about the sex during the pregnant. According to thatobservation, it canbe concluded that most of pregnantmother threesemester III have the is keeping away, avoiding, not to do the sex after the pregnantage of seven years old more at all. So that the scientists hope in order that the pregnantmothers keeps doing the sex during the pregnanttime to keep the harmony of family and to fill the psicologicalneed.
The keywords : The attitude, The motherpregnant, The sex during the pregnanttime.

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Hubungan Kejadian Partus Prematur dengan Paritas di Kamar Bersalin RSUD

Hubungan Kejadian Partus Prematur dengan Paritas
di Kamar Bersalin RSUD ............ Kota ........
Periode 1 Januari - 31 Desember 2009

Partus prematur merupakan penyebab utama morbiditas dan mortalitas perinatal di seluruh dunia. Janin yang lahir secara prematur mempunyai risiko komplikasi yang sangat tinggi. Penyebab partus prematur masih sulit ditentukan namun masih dapat diidentifikasi diantaranya paritas. Pada tahun 2005 kejadian partus prematur di Indonesia sekitar 19 % dimana 20 % kelahiran tersebut banyak dialami oleh ibu dengan paritas tinggi. Penelitian Agustina tahun 2005 di RSUD dr. Soetomo Surabaya menyebutkan bahwa wanita yang telah melahirkan lebih dari tiga kali mempunyai risiko 4 kali lebih besar mengalami partus prematur bila dibandingkan dengan paritas yang kurang dari tiga. Oleh karena itu peneliti ingin meneliti tentang Hubungan Kejadian Partus Prematur dengan Paritas di RSUD .............
Desain Penelitian yang digunakan adalah korelasi retrospektif dengan menggunakan data pasien yang terdapat dalam Buku Laporan Harian. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu bersalin yang melahirkan di Kamar Bersalin RSUD ............ Kota ........ periode 1 Januari – 31 Desember 2009 sejumlah 637 kasus persalinan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling jenuh.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan 637 kasus kelahiran bayi dengan 55 kasus merupakan partus prematur sedangkan sisanya persalinan aterm (85,24%) dan postdate (6,12%). Partus prematur banyak terjadi pada ibu dengan paritas tinggi (nullipara, primipara) sebanyak 70,91% sedangkan ibu dengan paritas rendah sebanyak 2 9,09% (multipara, grandemultipara).
Hasil penelitian diperoleh X2 hitung sebesar 35,74, pada taraf signifikansi 0,05 dan df (degree of freedom) = 1, nilai tersebut lebih besar dibanding nilai X2 tabel. Dengan demikian hipotesis nihil (Ho) ditolak yang berarti ada hubungan kejadian partus prematur dengan paritas.
Kata Kunci: Partus Prematur, Paritas

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Hubungan Kepuasan Ibu Hamil pada Pelayanan Antenatal Care oleh Bidan dengan Motivasi Melakukan Antenatal

Judul : Hubungan Kepuasan Ibu Hamil Pada Pelayanan Antenatal
care oleh Bidan dengan Motivasi Melakukan Antenatal care di Bidan Tersebut di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ngasem Kecamatan Gampengrejo Kabupaten ......

Tahun Penelitian : 2010
Kepuasan pasien sering dipandang sebagai suatu komponen yang penting dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Keramahan dan kenikmatan berkaitan dengan pelayanan kesehatan yang tidak berhubungan langsung dengan klinis dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien dan ketersediaannya untuk kembali ke fasilitas kesehatan untuk mendapatkan pelayanan berikutnya. Umumnya fasilitas layanan milik pemerintah kurang/ tidak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah bahwa umumnya mutu layanan kesehatan yang diselenggarakan oleh fasilitas layanan kesehatan milik pemerintah masih belum atau tidak memenuhi harapan pasien dan atau masyarakat.
Penelitian dilaksanakan tanggal 14 -18 Juli 2010 dengan tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepuasan bumil pada pelayanan antenatal care oleh bidan dengan motivasi melakukan antenatal care.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian metode korelasi yang bersifat cross Sectional dengan sampelnya yaitu sebagian ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ngasem. Teknik samplingnya adalah Accidental Sampling dan variabel yang digunakan yaitu variabel bebas adalah kepuasan ibu hamil dan variabel tergantung adalah motivasi ibu hamil. Metode pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner. Hasil analisa dari 12 responden dengan menggunakan analisis korelasi Spearman Rank, didapatkan hasil bahwa ρ hitung 0,67 dan harga ρ tabel 0,59 1 maka terlihat bahwa ρ hitung lebih besar dari ρ tabel yang berarti ada hubungan antara kepuasan ibu hamil pada pelayanan antenatal care oleh bidan dengan motivasi melakukan antenatal care di bidan tersebut.
Kata Kunci: Kepuasan, Ibu Hamil, Antenatal care, Bidan, Motivasi

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Hubungan Pengetahuan Ibu tentang Pemantauan Pertumbuhan di Posyandu dengan Pertumbuhan Berat Badan pada Balita Usia 0–60 Bulan di DesaMasa bayi dan ba


Masa bayi dan balita bahkan sejak dalam kandungan adalah periode emas karena jika pada masa tersebut pertumbuhan dan perkembangan balita tidak dipantau dengan baik dan mengalami gangguan tidak akan dapat diperbaiki pada periode selanjutnya. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pemantauaan pertumbuhan rutin pada pertumbuhan balita sehingga dapat terdeteksi apabila ada penyimpangan pertumbuhan dan dapat dilakukan penanggulangan sedini mungkin. Pengetahuan ibu tentang pemantaun ibu tentang permasalahan pertumbuhan juga sangat berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan balita, karena dengan pengetahuan ibu dengan baik maka diharapkan pemantauan balita dapat dilakukan dengan baik pula.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan ibu tentang pematuan pertubuhan di posyandu dengan pertubuhan balita dengan usia 0-60 bulan di Desa Wonosari Kecamatan Pagu Kabupaten Kediri.
Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan populasi semua ibu balita yang mempunyai balita usia 0-60 bulan di Desa Wonosari. Dengan sample semua ibu yang mempunyai balita usia 0-60 bulan.Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling, terdapat dua variable bebas penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan ibu tentang pemantauan pertumbuhan balita di Posyandu. Variabel terikatnya adalah pertubuhan berat badan pada balita 0-60 bulan. Variable diukur dalam waktu bersamaan. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah angket dan timbangan dacin. Data yang diperoleh di tabulasi kemudian dianalisa dengan uji korelasi jenjang yang diungkapkan oleh spearman. Dengan intervel kepercayaan 95%.
Hasil dari penelitian ini di simpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang pemantauan pertumbuhan di posyandu dengan pertubuhan berat badan pada balita usia 0-60 bulan di Desa Wonosari Kecamatan Pagu Kabupaten Kediri.
Kata kunci : pengetahuan, ibu, pemantauan, pertumbuhan,berat badan, balita

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Hubungan Antara Pengetahuan Orang Tua tentang Pemberian Makan Kepada Anak dengan Kejadian Obesitas pada Balita


1.1 Latar Belakang
Pemberian nutrisi secara seimbang pada anak harus dimulai sejak dalam kandungan, yaitu dengan pemberian nutrisi yang cukup memadai pada ibu hamil. Setelah lahir harus diupayakan pemberian ASI secara eksklusif, yaitu pemberian ASI saja sampai anak berumur 6 bulan. Sejak berumur 6 bulan, anak diberikan tambahan atau pendamping ASI (PASI). Pemberian PASI ini penting untuk melatih kebiasaan makan yang baik dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi yang meningkat pada masa bayi dan prasekolah. Karena pada masa ini pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang terjadi adalah sangat pesat, terutama pertumbuhan otak (Nursalam,dkk.2005).
Namun tidak selamanya nutrisi pada anak terpenuhi dengan seimbang. Kondisi ini menimbulkan perbedaan keadaan gizi antara anak yang satu dengan anak yang lain. Ada kalanya anak memiliki keadaan gizi lebih, keadaan gizi baik, dan keadaan gizi buruk. Keadaan gizi baik akan dapat dicapai dengan pemberian makanan yang seimbang bagi tubuh menurut kebutuhan. Sedangkan gizi lebih atau gizi kurang terjadi bila pemberian makanan tidak seimbang menurut kebutuhan anak.
Obesitas merupakan kelainan atau penyakit yang ditandai dengan penimbunan jaringan lemak tubuh secara berlebihan (Damayanti, 2004). Secara umum, kegemukan (obesitas) disebabkan oleh tidak seimbangnya energi dari makanan dengan kalori yang dikeluarkan. Kondisi ini akibat interaksi beberapa faktor, yaitu keluarga, penggunaan energi, dan keturunan (yatim, 2005).
Terdapat 3 faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap berkembangnya obesitas, yaitu genetik, lingkungan dan neuro (Juanita, 2004). Namun, berdasarkan hasil penelitian Badan International Obeysitas Task Force (ITF) dari badan WHO yang mengurusi anak yang kegemukan, 99% anak obesitas karena faktor lingkungan, sedangkan yang dianggap genetik biasanya bukan genetik tetapi akibat faktor lingkungan (Darmono, 2006). Faktor lingkungan ini dipengaruhi oleh aktifitas dan pola makan orang tua anak, misal pola makan bapak dan ibunya tidak teratur menurun pada anak, karena di lingkungan itu tidak menyediakan makanan yang tinggi energi, bahkan aktifitas dalam keluarga juga mendukung (Darmono, 2006).
Komplikasi dari anak – anak yang mengalami obesitas, bisa terjadi diabetes tipe 2 yang resisten terhadap insulin, sindrom metabolisme, muncul tekanan darah tinggi, kolesterol tinggi, dan tingkat blood lipid yang abnormal (Fauzin, 2006).
Menurut Roskitt dan Clair yang dikutip oleh Subardja D, 2004, “obesitas pada anak merupakan cikal bakal terjadinya penyakit degeneratif kardiovaskuler, Diabetes Mellitus, dan penyakit degeneratif lainnya yang dapat timbul sebelum atau setelah masa dewasa”.
Di Indonesia, angka kejadian obesitas terus meningkat, hal ini disebabkan perubahan pola makan serta pandangan masyarakat yang keliru bahwa sehat adalah identik dengan gemuk (Soetjiningsih, 1998). Kurangnya pengetahuan dan salah persepsi tentang kebutuhan makanan dan nilai makanan juga merupakan merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi status gizi seseorang (Budiyanto, 2004). Obesitas yang terjadi sebelum umur 5 tahun mempunyai kecenderungan tetap gemuk pada waktu dewasa, dari pada yang terjadi sesudahnya (Soetjiningsih, 1998).
Peningkatan prevalensi obesitas ini terjadi di Negara maju maupun berkembang. Menurut Damayanti, 2004 prevalensi obesitas pada anak usia 6-17 tahun di Amerika Serikat dalam tiga dekade terakhir naik dari 7,6 – 10,8% menjadi 13-14%. Sedangkan anak sekolah di Singapura naik dari 9% menjadi 19 %.
Mengutip Survey Kesehatan Nasional, di Indonesia prevalensi obesitas pada balita juga naik. Prevalensi obesitas pada tahun 1992 sebanyak 1,26% dan 4,58% pada 1999. Sedangkan berdasarkan data RSU Dr.Soetomo Surabaya bagian anak menyebutkan jumlah anak kegemukan (obesitas) 8% pada tahun 2004 dan menjadi 11,5% pada tahun 2005.
Berdasarkan survey pendahuluan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti di KB-TKIT Al-Hikmah Surabaya, dari 122 siswa didapatkan data anak yang mempunyai status gizi Lebih (obesitas) sebanyak 21 orang atau 17,2%.
Melihat dari uraian di atas masalah yang terjadi adalah kejadian obesitas pada anak dan balita terus meningkat, serta kurangnya pengetahuan orang tua tentang pemberian makan kepada anak. Pengetahuan yang kurang ini dapat menyebabkan perilaku yang salah dalam memberikan dan mengawasi pola makan anaknya. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang “Hubungan antara pengetahuan orang tua tentang pemberian makan kepada anak dengan kejadian obesitas pada balita”.

1.2 Rumusan masalah
Apakah ada hubungan antara pengetahuan orang tua tentang pemberian makan kepada anak dengan kejadian obesitas pada balita?

1.3 Tujuan penelitian
1.3.1 Tujuan umum
Untuk menganalisis hubungan antara pengetahuan orang tua tentang pemberian makan kepada anak dengan kejadian obesitas pada balita.
1.3.2 Tujuan khusus Mengidentifikasi pengetahuan orang tua dari balita yang obesitas dan balita yang tidak obesitas di KB-TKIT Al-Hikmah Surabaya tentang pemberian makan kepada anak Mengidentifikasi kejadian obesitas pada balita di KB-TKIT Al-Hikmah Surabaya Menganalisis hubungan antara pengetahuan orang tua tentang pemberian makan kepada anak dengan kejadian obesitas pada balita di KB-TKIT Al-Hikmah Surabaya.

1.4 Manfaat penelitian
1.4.1 Bagi program kesehatan
Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan masukan untuk meningkatkan pembinaan dan pelatihan serta pioritas program dalam upaya meningkatkan status gizi masyarakat dan penanggulangan kasus obesitas di masyarakat, khususnya pada balita.
1.4.2 Bagi Ilmu Pengetahuan
Menambah kajian baru ilmu pengetahuan khususnya dalam bidang kesehatan dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan penelitian selanjutnya
1.4.3 Bagi penulis
Penulis dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan yang diperoleh selama di bangku kuliah dalam kehidupan yang nyata di tengah-tengah masyarakat.
1.4.3 Bagi Institusi Pendidikan
Sebagai bahan/ sumber rujuan bagi penelitian – penelitian selanjutnya.

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Karakteristik Penderita Kanker Leher Rahim di RSUD

IN RSUD ............ ........ PERIODE 1 JANUARY – 31 DECEMBER 2009

Cancer of cervix has the highest incidents in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. In Indonesia this type of cancer is mostly found among gynecologic cancer, its occurrence al most 27 percent of cancerous in Indonesia and becoming there main cause of death of cancer patient woman. Hence the knowledge of cancer, generally and cancer of cervix especially should be better. The aim of this research is to know the characteristic of cancer of cervix patient in RSUD ............ ........ of 1 January – 31 December 2009, especially based on the age, parity, age of marry and the contraception type of patients.
The method that used in this research is descriptive, in a retrospective way. The data obtained from medical note of cancer of cervix patient in RSUD ............ ........ of 1 January – 31 December 2009. at that period of time there are 19 patient.
The result of research was got from 10 patient based on characteristics that become the man factor, such as woman at age 36-55 years old (94,74%) people who have multipartite (73,69%), woman who married at > 16 years old (100%) and people who are the acceptor of KB IUD (68,42%).
The conclusion from this research is the occurrence of cancer of cervix patient in 2009 mostly happen in woman who married < 18 years old.
Key words : Characteristic, Cancer, Cervix

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Analisis Perilaku Petugas Dalam Penemuan Penderita TBC di Puskesmas

>> Saturday, August 7, 2010

Student Thesis, August 2009

Abi Thalib

The Behavior Analysis of Health Employees in Finding of TBC Sufferer in Puskesmas Senabing, District of Lahat, Lahat Regency 2009
(xxii + 104 pages, 7 tables, 3 pictures, 9 attachments)

Tuberculosis is the directly infectious disease that caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Indonesia place third highest level after India and China of TBC sufferer.
The research aimed to get the indepth interview about the behavior of health employees in finding of TBC sufferer in Puskesmas Senabing, District of Lahat, Lahat Regency 2009. Its want to know about the knowledge, attitude, the ability of facilities and infrastructure of Laboratory and the role of helath employee and the society in finding of TBC sufferer.
Its used qualitative designed with the informants: the socistys, cadre of posyandu, Puskesmas management, Polycklinic staff,…………staff, who are working in the Puskesmas Senabing working area district of Lahat. The result of the research are :
The result :
Generally, the society and the cadre of Posyandu still less and its impacting to their role in the effort of TBC sufferer finding,.The lack of safety of laboratory employees that have risk to the infected them, The society’s role still lack in done the health promotion, its impacting to the low of finding of TBC sufferer
Suggestion :
1. to the Puskesmas management to make re-activated plan about the continuously of health promotion, to give the knowledge and the motivation to the society to participate in the sufferer TBC finding effort.
2. to the Puskesmas management to do the guidance about the knowledge and motivation for the cadre of posyandu to more active in the finding TBC sufferer effort with the health promotion inn every activity at posyandu.
3. to laboratory employees to plan the procurement of the safety equipment to minimized the infectious risk to them
4. to the Head of Puskesmas to raised the spirit of health employees in the helath promotion effort by the socialized and training.

Bibliography : 29 (1995-2007)
READ MORE - Analisis Perilaku Petugas Dalam Penemuan Penderita TBC di Puskesmas


Here Are The Most Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Teenagers And Adults

>> Saturday, June 26, 2010

There can be quite a few reasons for balding in both men and females. Deficient nutrition, hormonal dynamics, mental stress, diseases can all result in hair fall problem. In medical the most widespread origin is called adrogenetic alopecia. This expression means hairlessness or thinning hair.

Adrogenetic here may be meant to see the result of androgens or male hormones, in addition genetic predisposition to balding are doubtless reasons for hair loss. Saying balding has been a genetic issue is just not that simple. One or two cases of hair fall in your family would like not be mean you'll be bald too. It's been a difficult prediction to mention who will begin balding and losing hair or how soon this can happen. This is often the explanation why they assert hair restoration can need meticulous preparation. Each one of us manufacture androgenic hormones. However how volatile these sorts of hormones will get has been the essential factor.

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone, Androsteinedione, Testosterone) may be the most common hormone that induces thinning hair. Within men, these hormones are created by the testicles in addition to adrenals. In women, ovaries and adrenals manufacture these varieties of hormones. However these varieties of hormones are produced within each genders, the concentration levels are higher in males than in women. This effectively differentiates the sexes. Once your hair follicles are exposed to the DHT hormones, relying of the degree of susceptibility whereas researching specific physiological changes, the adrogenetiic alopecia or hairlessness is initiated. This being the predominant reason why baldheadedness or hair loss problem defies the age factor.

It's not easy to see the pace of balding or when it starts. Most ordinarily, it starts inside late teen years. Conditions of sick-health are among the causes for hair loss. Thyroid troubles and diabetes will cause intense balding. Equally, problems affecting the liver and kidney too will end in hair fall. Polycystic ovary syndrome can be a condition obtained in females and teenage ladies that leads to loss of hair. Baldness could be a problem within customers who take products for acne. Yet one more issue source would be amphetamines within diet program pills. Naturally, it's a well known reality that chemotherapy will be another ruthless method inside which one experiences baldness.

A skin sickness that induces serious loss of scalp hair can be alopecia areata. It affects body hair system so badly that generally it induces loss of body hair too. This skin problem begins as extremely little bald patches additionally these patches gradually expand to full baldness. Frequently hair styling in addition to other hair manipulations offer negative pressure to scalp, damaging the hair.

Another way of forced thinning hair happens in patients suffering from a psychological disarray called Trichotillomania. Such people pluck off their own hair in tufts.

Malnutrition or under-nutrition can in addition reason hair loss since the human body does not attain enough nutrients that are vital for health and sustenance of hair. Intervention in natural hair growth process, as it happens due to giving birth to offspring or being anesthetized or undergoing surgery, will also lead to hair loss; often a permanent loss.
READ MORE - Here Are The Most Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Teenagers And Adults


How To Get Rid Of Sore Throat

A sore throat is one of the most common of medical complaints. It is an inflammation or infection of the pharynx accompanied with discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat. A sore throat is contagious in most cases and can be spread through coughing and sneezing. There are many ways to get rid of a sore throat.

Home Remedies for Sore Throat

Gargling with raspberry tea, turmeric, sage, lukewarm salt water, and Listerine can help ease a sore throat. Gargling is one of the best home remedies.

Pour one cup of boiling water over two teaspoons of dried raspberry leaves and steep for ten minutes. Then strain, allow cooling and gargling. It is also good for controlling fevers.

Mix one teaspoon of salt, half cup of apple cider vinegar and one cup of hot water water. Dissolve the salt in the apple cider vinegar and mix in the water. Gargle with this mixture frequently.

Drinking lots of water also helps in getting rid of acid reflux sore throat pain and irritation. Although eight glasses will be enough, you can always drink more, if it is all right with you. Apart from helping you with your sore throat, it will also give you lots of other health benefits too.

Ginger is an effective herbal remedy for sore throat. The good thing about ginger is it is a common item in the kitchen. In preparing ginger, peel the skin off and slice it into coin shapes. Place the ginger pieces into a small pot with water and boil it. You will know that it is ready when the liquid turns yellow. You may also add your favorite sweetener to make the taste better. Sip it slowly and you will be able to feel the effects.

Hyssop is one of the herbal remedies that is very effective against sore throats. Not just that, it is also good for congestion and coughs. It is also used as an effective expectorant. To prepare hyssop, just soak it in 1 cup of boiling water and cover it for at least 10 minutes. The ratio is 2 teaspoons of dried hyssop is to 1 cup of boiling water. Let it cool down first before you sip it up.

Apple cider vinegar. This is a popular folk remedy, and doctors suggest it has some basis in fact: the acidity of the vinegar should kill sore-throat-causing bacteria on contact. To use this remedy, mix a teaspoon to two tablespoons (as strong as you can take) of vinegar in with water. Gargle and then swallow two times every hour. Remember to rise your mouth with water after gargling to prevent the acidity in the vinegar from damaging your tooth enamel.

Another effective remedy to end you problem in 24 hours is mango bark. You can mix a small amount with water and gargle several times.
READ MORE - How To Get Rid Of Sore Throat


Basic Eye Care For Lifestyle Pressure

For Athletes: Keep in mind that an athlete may at rest need protection against injuries during contact sports, no issue which type of vision correction he chooses. If there is any menace of being hit by a fast-moving ball or other object as in racquetball, squash, hockey, etc., eye protection is extremely-advocated, whether you are wearing contacts or not. A polycarbonate eye-guard will not bend vision.

While some makers have developed contact lenses that offer protection from ultraviolet rays, many lenses do not. In any case, sunglasses or dark goggles should be worn to protect the eyes in sunlight outdoors, above all in such sports as swimming, skiing or ice-skating where they may be a lot of glare.

Performers & Actors: contact-lenses on stage, Contact lenses make available a double advantage to the active lifestyles of performers, who may require changing or improving their look while dancing, acting or participating in dramatic activities that may be as energetic as a main league baseball game.

Prior to colored contact lenses were accessible to the public, movie stars were using them to transform their eye color. Audrey Hepburn won an Academy Award for Wait Until Dark in 1967, in which she played a blind woman, wearing lenses specially intended to make her appear so.

Computer Use and Eyes: as a substitute of starring on the silver screen, or slugging home runs out of Fenway Park , a large number of people use up the mainstream of their workday in front of a computer screen. By one guess, nearly 90 percent of those people working at a video display terminal (VDT) sensed some form of vision problem as a result.

How do you put in the picture if your symptoms are interrelated to your computer use? VDT-related symptoms occur sometime after you set up work. As the workday builds up, your symptoms will turn out to be more acute. The symptoms that are related to computer use are difficulty focusing after working at a computer, with blurry or double vision, eyestrain or eye fatigue, headaches or backaches, dry and/or irritated eyes, neck stiffness or discomfort, after-images when looking away from the screen, sensitivity to lighting, muscle spasms.

The environmental factors that could affect your symptoms are vivid lights in your peripheral turf of vision could add to uneasiness or abridged visual performance. Reflected light on your computer screen can diminish the contrast of screen characters and perhaps force you to suppose an awkward position to see around the glare. The location of your screen could cause awkward positioning.

To settle on the reason of your symptoms, you should visit your eye care professional. Prior going to your appointment, on the other hand, take note of the environment in which your symptoms occur and at what times they are record. This will assist your doctor greatly in the diagnosis.

If computer eyestrain is the diagnosis, there are simple methods to ease the discomfort: don't focus on a single object for a prolonged period of time. Improve the lighting around your monitor. Blink often. Frequently close your eyes, and then look far into the distance (down a hallway or out a window) every 15-20 minutes to relax them. Sit at least 18-28 inches away from the screen. Tilt the monitor slightly below eye level; and keep your screen dust-free to minimize visual interference.

The best medicinal drugs that can just make your living easy with a pressure and stree free eye is Bimatoprost (Lumigan). It is used for getting down eye pressure to help keep away from damage to the optic nerve in people with high eye pressure or else open angle glaucoma.

READ MORE - Basic Eye Care For Lifestyle Pressure


Secrets Of How To Cure Bad Breath

Bad breath is both an embarrassment and a horrible condition to be suffering from. Whether it be in a casual conversation or in a business situation like a meeting or seminar, there is no way of describing that feeling of dread when you realise during a conversation that there is something wrong with your breath. For some people that suffer from bad breath, this fear can stop them from going out into public situations. For some people the thought or fear that they have bad breath when in reality you don't is a real one. Called Delusional halitosis, it affects approximately 1% of the population.

The Correct Cure For Bad Breath
Bad breath has several distinct causes and the treatment will vary depending on the cause. If there is an underlying problem, eating mints will not resolve it long-term. Commonly, one in four people suffer from bad breath and there is a cure for more bad breath sufferers.

The main causes of bad breath include some foods, dentures, oral bacteria, smoking and dry mouth. There are both long-term and short-term bad breath depending on the cause, however there is a cure for each of them.

Bad Breath From Food
It is common knowledge that food such as onions and garlic can cause bad breath after being consumed. The smell of bad breath that originates from food comes from the intestinal tract, and while chewing on parsley or peppermint to mask to odour. You can use mint but it may become an even more unpleasant smell. It is best to wait till the food leave your body naturally.

Bad Breath and Dentures

Wearers of dentures should clean them regularly as food particles can be caught in them, and this is a great source of bacteria build-up. It is the bacteria that causes the bad breath. Regular cleaning will stop this from occurring.

Speaking of bacteria...

Oral Bacteria
This is the number one cause of bad breath in the mouth, teeth and gums. Regular brushing and cleaning, as well as flossing of the teeth can completely remove this problem. The tongue is another great place that bacteria love to live so ensure that you brush or scrape your tongue. Scraping is more effective as it removes the dead cells as well.

Smoking Causes Bad Breath
One of the strongest smells is from tobacco and cigarette smoke and it is very hard to shift from your mouth, and your clothes. Nothing can mask this strong, offensive smell. Some mouthwashes mask the smell for a short time. Stopping smoking is the best solution here.

Bad Breath Caused by Dry Mouth
Moisture in the mouth in the form of saliva cleans it of excess food particles and ensures that there is a balance that bacteria can exist in peacefully. If the mouth becomes dry, food particles build up and bacteria start to lose control. Suddenly the whole ecosystem in your mouth has gone awry. Make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. This will reduce the chances of dry mouth. You may notice when you first wake up that your breath is quite strong. This is because the mouth has dried out while you were asleep. Drink a glass of water and that short-term problem disappears.

The mos effective solution for bad breath is to match the problem with the cause. Once the cure has been found, the suffer will feel less embarrassed and can get back to a socially normal life. At last you can attend those meeting with a new feeling of confidence.
READ MORE - Secrets Of How To Cure Bad Breath


Losing Weight And Diabetes-Important Facts

Very few people realize the profound effect that weight has on diabetes. Even instances of gestational diabetes are much greater in patients that are overweight than in those that are not. Type 2, or adult onset diabetes is more commonly found in overweight people than those that are within their 'ideal' weight ranges. In fact, almost 90% of those with Type 2 diabetes are overweight. If you are suffering from Type 2 diabetes, the best gift you could possibly give yourself just might be the gift of getting your weight under control.

Among those that suffer from Type 2 diabetes almost 40% have high blood pressure, which is another condition that is believed to be exacerbated by excess weight. Being overweight might also lead to a condition known as insulin resistance in which the body no longer responds to the insulin that is needed to assist the body in using sugar and glucose as fuel on a cellular level.

There are some things you can do to help yourself out if you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or labeled at risk for this devastating condition. First of all, take off the pounds. I know this is much easier said than done. Dieting is never easy and rarely fun for the average person. However, if you do not begin to take drastic steps toward procuring the best possible health for yourself you may not be able to enjoy the quality of life you had planned for your golden years. Let your condition be your motivation and make plans to enjoy watching your grandchildren and great grandchildren graduate college.

Fight it standing up. Don't sit down and let Diabetes control you. Stand up and take control of your body back. This is a fight to the finish and if you let it, diabetes will be your end. If you fight it standing up, lose the weight, get out there and exercise, listen to the doctor's orders and follow them. Find the strength within you to battle this disease head on. You'll be amazed at what happens when you decide to stand up and fight for your health.

Get active. Find activities that you enjoy and get out there and do them. Don't make those activities passive activities either. Even if it's just going out to play shuffleboard everyday get out there and play. Enjoy your time in the sun. Pick flowers with the little ones. Take up golf. Do whatever it takes to get up and moving each and every day in order to remember why you want to live forever in the first place.

Watch what you eat. Garbage in, garbage out, right? You have strict dietary requirements once you've been diagnosed with diabetes. This means that you absolutely must follow your dietary restrictions. Learn to live within those limits in order to live and enjoy life to the fullest you can. The amazing thing is that there are all kinds of foods available that are friendly to those with diabetes that weren't around just a few short years ago. It is quite possible to live and eat quite nicely with diabetes if you stick to your plan. The most important thing about dieting with diabetes is that you never lose sight of how crucial it is to do so.
READ MORE - Losing Weight And Diabetes-Important Facts


Treatment For Rotator Cuff Disorders And Injuries The Permanent And Natural Way

Of course, there is not a single treatment for rotator cuff available, since the complex set up of the shoulder joint allows for a multitude of disorders and injuries requiring specific attention, depending on severity and/or stage. The usual culprits are medicines like steroidal and non steroidal anti inflammatories, cortisone injections for more sever cases, natural remedies like hot packs and ice packs, ultrasounds, and even manipulation and surgery following injuries or to resolve a stubborn disorder. However there is also a particular natural treatment for rotator cuff in the form of exercises targeting the 4 muscles and tendons comprising the cuff, in order to strengthen it and cut down recovery times to a fraction, permanently.

These exercises can be part of a rehabilitation program following injury, like a torn or a dislocated cuff, as a physical therapy protocol after arthroscopy, but also as a strengthening and healing program to slash recovery times for all major shoulder disorders afflicting thousands of people worldwide every day. Conditions like a Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis), Shoulder Impingement, Bursitis and Tendonitis can all greatly benefit from a protocol of specific internal and external rotation exercises to restore the cuff, reducing inflammation naturally, eliminating the need for drugs and pain, while slashing recovery times to weeks, not months.

In fact, all the above disorders can take months and even few years to resolve if treated with just courses of anti inflammatories. Cold packs, hot packs and ultrasounds also let to be desired, because these remedies, though cheap and void of side effects, are also temporarily or mildly effective. Cortisone injections, like drugs, are effective at reducing pain and improve mobility, but also carry nasty side effects. Manipulation for a Frozen Shoulder to break the Adhesions, or Arthroscopy to resolve any injury or a severe disorder should always be used as last resort and are mostly avoidable, except when caused by a trauma requiring surgical intervention or a nasty disorder.

A treatment for rotator cuff based on such exercises not only will it be useful to recover and repair the cuff fast, but it will also help prevent further injuries or a disorder relapse if regularly implemented as part of an over all shoulder conditioning program, along with normal training routines.
READ MORE - Treatment For Rotator Cuff Disorders And Injuries The Permanent And Natural Way


The Effectiveness Of Hypnotherapy In Stopping Smoking Addiction

Hypnotherapy is considered one of the most promising fields of medicine when it comes to solving patients bad habit like smoking and gambling. In this type of therapy, the patient is put on trance so that the therapist can create certain contact with his subconscious mind of his patient. Once there is an established connection, the patient becomes more aware to what the therapist say because his mind would hear nothing but the voice of the hypnotherapist, making himself believe that he have to quit smoking or stop gambling.

This type of treatment is known in the field of mind control as the smoking cessation hypnosis which goal is to make people to totally quit their nicotine habits. However, not all people who are capable of hypnotism can do this kind of treatment because this method can only be done by trained professionals and should be administered to patients that agree to follow the intricate process of hypnotherapy. If treatment is done by people who do not know the complete treatment, the patient with problem will not be treated at all or worse may alter part of his behavior in some ways.

When it comes to smoking cessation, the first step in treating nicotine addiction is for the hypnotherapist to explain to the patient before the treatment about the risks of extreme smoking. He will explain how does person can become addicted to smoking and what factors can tempt the person to start smoking which lead to addiction to nicotine The aim of this discussion is to make the patient understand the risks and the danger he will be exposed to.

The next stage already involves the actual hypnotherapy process. In this phase, the patient will be hypnotized according to his will. He will be put into a drowsy state and then into a trance. When the patient seems to be in a dream like state, the hypnotherapist will ask the patient what lead him to his addiction, who influenced him to smoke and what makes him to smoke even more. When the patient has already brought this out from his subconscious and tell it the hypnotherapist, the hypnotherapist will then tell the patient to liken the cigarette stick into something that can harm the patient and what effect can cigarettes do to his body. The patient will then be given an option how he can stop his addiction and the hypnotherapist will agree and at the same time tell his patient about other option he can take. While the patient and the hypnotherapist discuss these things slowly, the hypnotherapist will inject into his patients mind things that he must do and avoid until the patient finally gives in and agree to stop smoking altogether.

The hypnotherapist will also try to break the myths that the patients believe and negate it with positive ideals. In summary about this treatment, when the conscious mind and the subconscious agreed on the same level, the physical body will follow. When the patient will be awakened, the only things he will remember are those positive ideals that have been injected into his subconscious mind. This kind of treatment is now being recognized by some hospitals because the result for such treatment is promising. At present, this is one of the most popular branches of mental therapies because it caters to a wide variety of patients mental problems like anxieties, phobia and other self-inflicted mental disorders.
READ MORE - The Effectiveness Of Hypnotherapy In Stopping Smoking Addiction


Home Remedies For Female Infertility And Treatment

There are many different types of infertility experienced by women. Many of the fertility problems can be easily treated.
However, the sooner you get a judgment, the better your prognosis will be. In this section, you'll find explanations for numerous female infertility disorders.
Some of the most ordinary causes of female infertility include polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibroids and endometriosis.
However, there are more than a few other reason why a woman may knowledge fertility problems, such as ovulatory disorders (like anovulation), premature ovarian breakdown and uterine factors. Egg quality also plays a role in infertility in many women.
Causes of Female Infertility
1. Ovulatory problems
2. Cervical factors
3. Pelvic and tubal factors, and
4. Uterine factors
Symptoms of Female Infertility
Other than the obvious inability to conceive, there are also other signs of female infertility which may be obvious to the diagnosing doctor.
Female infertility is suspected when the women may have a menstrual cycle that is unpredictable or unstable or even absent for months on end.
Pain in the region of the woman's reproductive system may also pinpoint to female infertility. Pain may signify some obstruction or injury to the female reproductive organs or system that may be the cause of female infertility.
Treatment of Female Infertility
1. Ovarian stimulation
-by drugs such as '˜clomiphene citrate'
-using hormonal injections plus intercourse
2. Assisted reproductive technologies as treatment for unexplained infertility
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
3. Gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT

In GIFT a mixture of sperm and eggs are introduced into the end of the fallopian tube at laproscopy.
Home remedies for Female Infertility

1. Jamun Leaves: To deal by means of the female infertility problem, you can eat jamun leaves. Add a little honey in case you don't like the taste of jamun leaves.
2. Root of Banyan Tree: Roots of banyan tree are highly capable in curing the female infertility problem. Collect these roots and dry them I sun for few days. Then grind them and make very well powder from them. When your menstrual cycles are in excess of after that on the first night have this residue with milk. Make sure that you don't eat anything right away after having this. Follow this remedy for about one year. There will be definitely some good news waiting for you and all thanks to this trouble-free and easy remedy.
3. Crud and Cheese: Include cheese and curd in your each day meal, as these two are successful in growing the probability of fertility in women.
4. Yoga: Join some yoga class, as some of the attitude of Yoga really helps in curing female infertility. It is better to do these postures under the guidance of conversant teacher.
5. Diet: You must eat abundance of green vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, milk, honey, curd, cheese, sprouts, beans, etc. All these things are wanted for having a healthy body.
6. Avoid: You be theoretical to not drink coffee, tea, spicy and fatty food, white flour, fried foods and soft drinks. Also wait absent from smoking and drinking alcohol. You should not consume some drugs
READ MORE - Home Remedies For Female Infertility And Treatment


Ways To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle

Our body weight is made up of three components; water, fat free mass and muscle mass. Water as its name implies is the amount of water present in our bodies. Fat free mass includes our bones, organs and skin. Muscle mass on the other hand is the amount of muscle in our body. In weight loss, muscle mass is the most important thing to consider. This is because muscle burns fat and increases our metabolism. In weight loss, total body weight is not as important as the amount of muscle mass in our body. So it is very important to lose weight and gain muscle.
Without hesitation, given that want to get rid of those unsightly bulges, make sure that you also lift weights to help tone your body. Lifting weights with the help of exercise machines at the gym will absolutely get you on the right track to lose weight while also gain muscle.
Gaining muscle or increasing muscle mass should be the main goal for weight loss. Increasing muscle mass will aid in keeping us toned and burning fat. Furthermore, the more muscle we have, the more power our bodies will have in burning the food we eat.
To lose weight and gain muscle, one must engage in weight training and get adequate rest. Engaging in a holistic exercise program such as doing cardiovascular workouts and incorporating weight training will optimize one's weight loss. Rest is also part of the equation because the body needs rest to recover and rebuild muscle.
Building muscle can be a daunting task for most beginners but after a few months of regular weight training, you will be able to reap its benefits. Faster metabolism, toning and strength are only few of the things that it will give a person.
READ MORE - Ways To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle


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